Our civil litigation attorneys are experienced with both pursuing and defending claims under the Unfair Methods of Competition and Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices in the Business of Insurance Act (Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 176D). The statute provides robust protections for both insureds and third-party claimants. Section 3 of the statute identifies specific acts and practices by insurers which are considered unfair or deceptive, including:
For claimants, we hold insurers accountable for wrongful denials of coverage, unreasonable claim settlement delays, and other violations of the statute. For insurers, we provide coverage recommendations and consulting on best practices in accordance with the statute. A victim of an insurer’s willful or knowing violation of chapter 176D can be awarded double or triple damages, plus his or her attorney’s fees incurred in pursuing the claim. Section 3(9) of the statute lists the following specific acts or omissions by insurers, which are considered unfair claims settlement practices:
Most chapter 176D cases concern one or more of these practices which have been utilized with respect to a particular claim.
Litigating a chapter 176D claim is a complex process. Our attorneys know the relevant case law, discovery tools, and litigation strategy necessary to obtain a favorable result. If you've been adversely affected by an insurer's unfair or deceptive acts, please contact our office for a consultation.
The contents of this page are intended for general informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice. For guidance and advocacy tailored to the needs of your legal matter, please contact our office.
#unfairmethodsofcompetition #unfairanddeceptiveactsandpractices #insureds #thirdpartyclaimants #insurancepolicy #falseormisleadingadvertising #unfairsettlementofclaims #wrongfuldenialsofcoverage #unreasonableclaimsettlementdelays #omissionsbyinsurers #reasonablestandards #payclaims #reasonableinvestigation #affirmordenycoverageofclaims #promptfairandequitablesettlementsofclaims #settleaclaim #arbitration #preliminaryclaimreport #formalproofoflossforms #insurancepolicycoverage #denialofaclaim #chapter176D #policyexecuted #defenseandindemnification #partialdenial